Food Policy - General
Every event at which alcohol is present will need a permit from the state and will need to fill out an appropriate Alcohol Service Request Form ("ASRF") for the event.
What kind of permit do I need?
There are two types of alcohol permits that can be obtained from the WSLCB: a Banquet Permit or a Special Occasion License.
- Banquet Permit - For events that are only serving alcohol, not selling it
- Special Occasion License - For events that are selling alcohol, auctioning alcohol, or serving alcohol that has been donated to the department
Deadlines for Alcohol Permits
- Banquet Permit
- Submit the ASRF to CES at least 10 business days prior to the event
- CES will email you the Banquet Permit once processed
- If you are a University entity, your department or club will be billed directly using the provided GL Account Number. If you are an external client, the fee will be added to your invoice
- Special Occasion License
- Submit ASRF and WA Special Occasion License (WSLCB Special Occasion License Application) to CES at least 60 days prior to the event
- If CES approves the alcohol service, we will sign the license application and then return it to you, so you can mail it to the WSLCB with a check for the required fee
- The license application must be submitted to the WSLCB at least 45 days prior to the event
General Policies for Alcohol
- No open containers of alcohol are permitted on University property at any time, except within an area covered by a valid alcohol permit.
- The University reserves the right to deny or limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the campus.
- If permission is granted for the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the Client assumes sole responsibility for compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, University policies and any fees associated with such permits.
- "BYOB" events, kegs and hard liquor are prohibited on the University campus.
- Alcohol may not be served before 3:30 p.m.
It is the policy of Seattle University that no qualified person shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination in any job, facility, program or activity provided by the University.
To ensure the University's compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations in order to live in on-campus housing and attend events and activities in campus buildings. "Reasonable accommodations" may include: hearing impaired devices, alternative formats, and signers. Disability accommodations require a minimum of three weeks prior notice to Conference and Event Services.
Click here for more information on Seattle University's Disabilities Services
- CES Deadlines
- To book major event space(s) - 15 business days
- IT Request – 10 business days
- Minimal Non-IT Request (1-2 items) – 3 business days
- Alcohol Service Request Form – 10 business days
- Bake Sale Forms – 3 days
- Special Occasion License – 45 days
- Catering Deadlines
- Notice for all catering orders - 10 days
- Final changes - 3 days
- Less that three days notice on new catering orders or changes will result in a 20% expediting fee.
All decorations must have prior approval from Conference and Event Services. The program is responsible for removal and disposal of all decorations immediately after the event.
The following things are PROHIBITED in event spaces:
- Helium balloons (may be used outdoors, but are not allowed in campus facilities)
- Confetti/Glitter
- Open flames and fog/smoke machines are prohibited
- Any object that may puncture walls, woodwork, tables, chairs or staging is prohibited, including staples, nails and tacks
- No Scotch, masking or duct tape may be used on any walls, windows, tables, floors or equipment
- Decorations may not be suspended from ceilings, light fixtures or curtains
The following items are ALLOWED in event spaces:
- Blue painter's tape to affix decorations to walls or windows.
- Stand up decorations
- Balloons filled with air (not helium)
- Battery-operated candles
- Fresh flowers or similar centerpieces
For more information, please click here: Campus Decoration Policy
Under the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Rules, Emotional Support Animals ("ESAs") include dogs and other animals that providevtherapeutic emotional support thatalleviates one or more identified effects of a person's disability, allowing them to benefit from Seattle University's programs and services, including housing. An ESA can be requested and approved by Conference and Event Services ("CES") for guests who are not Seattle University students staying in summer overnight housing. (For Seattle University students, please see the Seattle University Housing and Residence Life policy: Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals.
Requesting Accommodation of an Emotional Support Animal ("ESA")
A guest requesting an emotional support animal should complete the following steps prior to moving into any Seattle University residence:
- Make an appointment (telephone or in-person) with Conference and Event Services ("CES") to discuss the accommodation, providing documentation as indicated below. At the same time, review animal care plans.
- Upon approval of an "ESA for residence", the guest will be notified of the approval and next steps.
Expectations after your assignment has been made and before move-in:
- Guest submits to CES a vet report of good health/vaccination and proof that the animal is licensed per King County and Seattle regulations.
- Final approval given for animal to come into residence by CES after animal care expectation meeting and vet report/licensing has been shared to CES.
- All steps must be completed prior to animal arrival. Guests who bring an animal on campus prior to obtaining permission may be asked to remove the animal from campus.
In order to be approved for an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), you will need documentation from an appropriate professional that:
- Identifies you and states that you have a disability/health condition;
- Shares the relevant history of working together with the animal as it relates to the disability, and need for the animal being prescribed;
- Explains how the animal helps alleviate the impact of the identified disability/health condition, including the following specific information:
- Is it the long-term relationship that has broad and diffuse impact that reduces the overall level of symptoms?
- Is it in moments of high stress?
- Are there any specific examples that would assist CES in considering the request for approval of the animal?
- Identifies the basis for providing passive support (e.g. the ongoing relationship with the animal or that it serves a defined role in the person's treatment plan), and states that it is necessary for full participation in or to benefit from particular programs or environments.
Animal Care and Conduct
All animals are the responsibility of their handlers and should be under their control (in proximity to the handler and responsive to commands, in harness, leashed or in a carrier).
- An ESA or service animal must be housebroken and under owner's control (voice or tether) at all times.
- Puppy rearing (under six months of age) which focuses on socialization and general obedience training may not qualify as housebroken.
- ESAs must not be left alone for extended periods of time. It is the responsibility of the handler to arrange for care for the animal if the handler will be away from the animal overnight.
- All waste from ESAs or service animals must be disposed of in outside receptacles.
An animal's behavior is considered the handler's behavior; the animal will be held to the same basic standard of conduct as its handler. If the animal is disruptive to university business or community behavioral expectations for educational, medical, and residential environments, handlers may be asked to correct the animal's behavior or remove it from the environment.
Event Contract
All external clients must sign an Event Contract prior to their event. The Event Contract cannot be altered and edited by the client. Please see your booking representative and/or your Event Coordinator for more information.
Event Liability Insurance
All external clients must carry a general liability insurance policy with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000.00 and name Seattle University as an additional insured. A copy of the certificate of coverage will be required.
Purchasing insurance: Seattle University has contracted with University Risk Management and Insurance Association (URMIA) to provide TULIP coverage, which is commonly known as "events coverage." This coverage enables institutions such as Seattle University to provide organizations to use facilities for specific events. It protects the University as well as the event organizers against claims by third parties who may get injured as a result of participating in an event.
An event organizer may purchase insurance by going to the URMIA TULIP website at For more information on the process of purchasing event liability insurance through URMIA Tulip, click to open or download our Event Liability Insurance Information document.
Non-Profit Organizations
Seattle University fully complies with Washington State tax statutes regarding private colleges and universities. Because of this, certain programs may be prohibited from campus, or requirements may be in place that a booking organization must be a registered 501(c)(3) charitable institution. A copy of the exemption letter from the Internal Revenue Service proving 501(c)(3) status, may be required in some instances. Programs sponsored or hosted by Seattle University, such as athletic programs and summer orientations, generally allow for third party use of facilities. Please ask an Event Coordinator for clarification on any events you have that involve off campus entities.
The Emerald Plate
The Emerald Plate is the exclusive caterer at Seattle University. All food provided at your event must be served by The Emerald Plate. Outside food and beverage and pot lucks are strictly forbidden.
The Emerald Plate catering services at Seattle University range from breakfast baskets to hors d'oeuvres, elegant served meals to beautiful buffets. The Emerald Plate specializes in high-quality customized menus for all occasions.
The Catering Coordinator will work directly with you to plan menus within your budget and provide you with a written estimate. For more information on all the latest offerings from The Emerald Plate, click to view the current menu found here.
Contact The Emerald Plate:
Visit our interactive campus map to find on-campus parking.
Parking is regulated at all times and availability is extremely limited during business hours, from 7 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. from Monday through Friday. During these times, reservations for parking may not be possible and event guests may be required to try to find parking in surrounding neighborhoods.
Parking may be arranged in advance for participants of an event or conference. There are two options for payment: the organization may pre-pay for their guests; or the guests may pay individually for parking permits. Event Organizer pays for guests: rates start at $6.00 per vehicle. Clients are expected to notify their guests of the parking and payment options prior to advertising their event.
For events where guests will be paying individually on site, permits must be purchased at the yellow pay boxes centrally located in the 12th Avenue and E. Marion Street Parking Lot (map) or on the ground floor of the Murphy Parking Garage (map).
The pay boxes accept cash, Visa, and MasterCard. Visitor parking fees start at the following rates:
0-2 hours: $6.00
2-4 hours: $10.00
4-6 hours: $12.00
6-24 hours. $15.00
Weekdays after 3 p.m. and on weekends: $6.00
Limited parking is available during the summer for overnight program guests, and can be arranged through your coordinator at the rate of $6.00 per vehicle per day.
From the Seattle University Policy on Political Campaign Activities: It is the policy of Seattle University to comply with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations that prohibit the use of University resources in connection with political campaign activities on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office or any ballot initiative.
Please visit the full Political Campaign Activities Policy page for more information. Events that do not meet the criteria outlined in this policy may not be held at Seattle University. It is the responsibility of the client to disclose if their event violates the guidelines outlined in this policy. CES may cancel any event or conference at any point in the event coordination process if it is determined that the event is in violation of this policy.
No off-campus organization is allowed to use the name of Seattle University or its insignia in any publication, except to state as a location where the conference will be held.
Sponsorship or endorsement by Seattle University may not be implied without advance permission by Seattle University officials.
All publications and advertisements using the Seattle University name or insignia must be reviewed and approved by the Conference and Event Services office prior to distribution and/or publishing.
From the Seattle University Policy on Raffles: It is the policy of Seattle University to comply with the Washington State Gambling Act of 1973 (RCW 9.46) and the Washington State Gambling Commission (“WSGC”) rules (WAC 230-11) governing raffles.
Please visit the Raffles Policy and Resources page on Redhawk Hub for more information.
Please note that when you are reserving outdoor space, CES requires that you have a rain site scheduled in case there is inclement weather on the day of your event.
When we send you a confirmation of your space reservation, the rain site will be listed along with the space we were able to find for you. Which space you actually use will be decided on the day of the event, based on the weather of that day; however, in some cases (for example, for an early morning outdoor activity), we may make the call a day ahead.
In some cases, we do not have a rain site available on the date you wish to hold your event. In those situations, you would then have two options:
- Choose another date, then see whether we can reserve your preferred space on that day, along with a rain site;
- Agree to book your event, understanding that if it rains that day, and we do not have a rain site, that CES would cancel your event.
Please note further that because of Seattle University’s contract with The Emerald Plate, all food service must be provided by The Emerald Plate in "schedulable" spaces (meaning: all spaces that CES can support). This includes outdoor locations. This is to promote the safety and well-being of all participants, by ensuring that all current required food handling guidelines are followed.
Internal University events are not charged room rental fees. External event clients are subject to the standard room rental and IT rental rates. Prices reflect current applicable taxes and are subject to change. Total charges (not including catering) are estimated prior to the event and payment is required in advance. Additional charges include parking, permit fees, signage, rental items, technical equipment and support, and/or other miscellaneous charges may be calculated after the event and added to the final invoice.
Technology: If any event - internal or external - requires equipment or technology that needs to be rented through an outside company, CES will bill back all related costs directly to the client and provide a copy of the invoice for record keeping.
Catering: To arrange for catering, please contact The Emerald Plate directly Additional information, including seasonal menus, can be found on The Emerald Plate website.
Invoicing: The University will send the final invoice, if one is necessary, to the Client within forty-five (45) days of completion of the event. Payment is due in full within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice, and late payments will accrue interest at the rate of 1.5% per month. If the Organization has a credit due, the University will issue a refund to the Organization within thirty (30) days of completion of the Program.
Registration/Ticketing: Conference and Event Services will be happy to manage registration services for your event. Seattle University utilizes Eventbrite for all online registration and ticketing needs. More information can be found in the Registration Services section of the CES website. This service is not currently available to external client events.
Events with Special Designation
Designated SU events and Hosted events are not charged room rental fees, though Hosted events may pay a nominal administrative fee for use of campus space. Designated SU events may use event equipment and technology owned by Seattle University, free of charge.
Co-sponsored events will be offered a discount of 40% off the standard room rental rates. For both Hosted and Co-sponsored programs, equipment and technology owned by Seattle University is available for rental at a discounted rate.
See Special Designation for more information.
Booking Deadlines
- Event Space - To request an event space, an EMS Web App request must be submitted at least 15 business days prior to the requested event date
- Classroom or Conference Room Meeting Space - If you would like to request a classroom or conference room and will not need any CES support or special technology requests, you may book at any time as long as there is still space available
Event Venues
Requests for scheduling event space (non-classroom) are accepted on a first come first serve basis and while considering university priority events. Final reservation confirmation of the event is usually given:
- 2 years in advance of the event for Academic and University Administration events or large-scale, traditional Student Events
- 1 year in advance of the event for less imperative University events
- 9 months in advance for hosted events
- 6 months in advance of the event for Non-University events
Classrooms are scheduled through the Conference and Event Services office after the Registrar releases the classrooms for such scheduling a few weeks prior to each academic quarter. Classroom spaces can be reserved in advance but will be placed on a "pending" status and may or may not be confirmed at the time of the release of the final academic schedule for the relevant academic quarter.
Conference and Event Services reserves the right to substitute facilities for the space(s) reserved should the need arise.
Directional Signage
CES event equipment inventory includes A-frame (sandwich board) signs and reader board signs to help your event attendees navigate to and around your event. Ask your CES Event Coordinator to help you determine the best signage plan for your event! CES will arrange for directional signage only at the request of the client. Requests must be for signage that is directional in nature and coordination of such signage is at the discretion of CES. We will provide up to four A-board signs and set them up no earlier than the night prior to an event and strike the signs immediately following the event. Charges may apply for additional signage, coordination of signage and for printing of signage not within CES inventory.
Client Signage
Clients shall not post signs on walls, doors, glass, trees, vehicles or railings.
Lamination of all signs is highly recommended. Seattle University's Reprographics department can produce signs for your program. You can view our signage options here: CES Miscellaneous Inventory.
Please visit our External Events webpage for the full Special Designation policy.
These policies are for the officially sanctioned student groups of Seattle University.
Scheduling a Student Event
Student clubs and organizations requesting to hold an event on campus must first submit a request through the EMS Web App. The request is first approved by the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) based on the purpose of the event. Once approved by CSI, requests are sent to CES for space approval and confirmation.
Deadlines for Student Organizations
- Booking Event Space or CES Support A request must be submitted at least twenty (20) business days prior to the requested event date through the EMS Web App
- Booking Classroom or Conference Room Meeting Space - If you would like to request a classroom or conference room and will not need any CES support or special technology requests, you may book at any time through the EMS Web App
Alcohol at Student Events
Seattle University allows wine and beer to be served on campus with an approved Alcohol Service Request Form and an alcohol service plan that is reviewed and approved by the Center for Student Involvement. "BYOB" events, beer kegs and hard liquor are not permitted on campus.
Student Event Alcohol Service Policies
- Student Organizations must adhere to all policies outlined in the main Alcohol Policies section on this page.
- Permission for alcohol to be served at student events must be approved by the Center for Student Involvement and an alcohol service plan must be developed with them. Once approved by CSI, the necessary forms must be submitted to CES for approval as well.
- Security and alcohol servers must be present at any student events serving or selling alcohol. Security officers can be arranged through Public Safety. Alcohol servers must be booked through The Emerald Plate.
- SU Student Leaders will be held accountable to the Principles for SU Student Leaders, in addition to the Code of Conduct.
Food & Catering at Student Events
If your club, organization, or class is holding an event in which food will be served, you will want to review the Student Event Food Policy, which includes a flow chart of procedures. It also provides information on policies and procedures for legacy events, events with 76 or more guests, events with 75 or fewer guests, bake sales, and what are determined to be "non-potentially hazardous foods."
Safety Guidelines for Food Service at Student Events
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the Seattle-King County Health Department (KCHD).
CES will first need to determine if your event is "open" or "closed" and if a KCHD permit will be required. If your group is preparing food items and your event is open to the public, a temporary food service establishment permit must be obtained from the KCHD for a fee. To avoid a late fee penalty, application paperwork must be submitted at least three weeks in advance of the event. Two certified Food Handlers that are students and part of the organization must be identified as part of the application process and one of these must be present at all times during the preparation, cooking, and distribution phases of the food production. Although closed events do not require a temporary food service establishment permit, a meeting with CES is still required to discuss the preparation, cooking, distribution phases and food safety guidelines for your event.
KCHD requires food to be prepared in a licensed kitchen. On campus there are three kitchens available and arrangements for use must be made at least two weeks in advance.
Use of Campion kitchen may be arranged through CES at (206) 296-5620. Campion kitchen is currently equipped with a walk-in refrigerator, rotary oven, and a two-compartment steamer.
The International Student and Scholar Center (ISSC) also has a small kitchen and food service equipment which is available upon request by calling (206) 296-6260.
The Cherry Street Market kitchen is only available in certain specific circumstances under special arrangement with RedHawk Dining. Rental fees may apply.
For the protection of the public's safety and health, proper food handling, temperature control, transportation of food, and sanitation procedures must be strictly followed.
Student groups are responsible for providing the following:
- Antibacterial Hand Soap
- Bleach Cleaning Solution Pail/Cloths
- Gloves
- Hot Water
- Meat Thermometer
- Paper Towels
A King County Health Inspector will conduct an on-site inspection at the beginning of your event to ensure that proper food handling procedures are understood and are being followed.
Bake Sales for Student Groups
Some clubs, organizations, and classes wish to hold Bake Sales to raise funds. If you wish to make arrangements for a Bake Sale, the first step is to fill out an Info Table Request through the EMS Web App to reserve a table at which to hold your Bake Sale. The deadline for this is twenty (20) business days prior to the event, so please give yourself enough time.
Next, you will need to submit a Bake Sale Form. Your club advisor or supervising faculty member will need to authorize the form.
Finally, your class, organization or club will need to familiarize itself with KCHD regulations. This document contains a compilation of those foods that may be sold without the purchase of a KCHD permit. If you do plan to serve foods not on the "exempt" list, you need to arrange the event at least 45 days prior to the event. The permit costs around $300 and requires KCHD approval.
Overnight housing and accommodations are provided during the summer months only.
We are able to offer lodging, food, and meeting space as a package only. Additionally, we are unable to offer accommodations on an individual basis.
Overnight housing rates are calculated per person, per night and can be found on our Plan An Overnight Conference page. These rates include internet access as well as linens for all participants. Facility Fees and Audiovisual Fees are calculated per person, per day and will be charged to all participants, whether staying in University-owned accommodations or commuting to the program.
Program Type | Overnight Housing Rate Type | Facilities Fees & Audiovisual Fees |
External | External | Full Price |
Co-Sponsored | External | 40% Discount |
Hosted | N/A in summer | N/A in summer |
Designated SU | Internal | Waived |
Internal | Internal | Waived |
If any program requires equipment or technology that needs to be rented through an outside company, CES will bill back all related costs directly to the client and provide a copy of the invoice for record keeping.
Along with the contract, the client will be provided with an invoice preview, to include all estimated lodging, board, facilities fees, and audiovisual fees for all participants. Note that catering is not included in this invoice preview. At the time that the conference contract is signed, the client must submit a deposit in the amount of 25% of the grand total on the invoice preview. $500.00 of this is non-refundable. An additional deposit in the amount of 50% of the grand total on the invoice preview is due 21 days out from the start of the program.
The University will send the final invoice to the client within forty-five (45) days of completion of the program. The final invoice will reflect catering charges, actual or guaranteed attendee numbers (whichever is greater), and any additional charges including parking, permit fees, signage, rental items, technical equipment and support, and/or other miscellaneous charges. Payment is due in full within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice, and late payments may accrue interest at the rate of 1.5% per month. If the Client has a credit due, the University will issue a refund to the Client within forty-five (45) days of completion of the Program.
Registration Services
Registration services can be provided for your participants to make reservations for campus-owned housing. Registration services may include:
- Customizable registration website template.
- Accepting payments via credit card, check, money order, or cash on-site.
- Sending customized confirmation materials to registered participants including, as appropriate, maps, directions to specific residence, shuttle information, receipt of payment/balance due, and confirmation email with instructions for on-site registration/check-in.
- Providing client with standardized registration reports, including participant information, event counts, revenue summaries, and disabled-accessible information.
If Registration Services are selected by the Program, the University will do all necessary registration website setup and will collect housing and board moneys directly from individuals. The charge for this is $50.00 per person, and is typically attached to the fees that the participants pay directly to the University. A late fee of $25.00 is added to registrations received after the determined deadline.
Scheduling Timeline: External client (non-SU entities) events, including weddings, can only be confirmed 6 months from the event date. SU Alumni may be eligible for earlier scheduling confirmation; please inquire for more information.
Catering Requirement: All catering must be done through The Emerald Plate, SU's exclusive caterer. Click for more information regarding our Food & Catering policy.
Sacred Spaces: Weddings for current SU students, faculty and staff can be celebrated in the Chapel of St. Ignatius or Campion Chapel under certain circumstances. For more information visit the SU Campus Ministry website.
Dance Floor: CES does not own a dance floor. If you wish to have a dance floor in your reception space, please inquire about special event equipment rentals through CES-approved vendors. Campion Ballroom receptions would not need a special dance floor to be brought in.
Alcohol at Events: "BYOB" events, kegs and hard liquor are prohibited on the University campus. For more on these policies, click here.